1986: Shipwreck Museum opens
Artefacts and information about the many shipwrecks that have taken place in the English Channel. shipwreckmuseum.co.uk
2014: First Bottle Alley Bike Bomb
Head to head bike race along Bottle Alley on the seafront. bikelabhastings.org/bottle-alley-bike-bomb/
2014: Building Stronger Bridges project
Building Stronger Bridges is about supporting local communities to work together to help each other, and build resilience.
2012: St Leonard’s Town Team formed
The town team develop and promote Central St Leonards as a great place to live, work and play. www.hastings.gov.uk/my_community/communitygroups/StLeonards_TownTeam
2012: Education Futures Trust created
To sustain partnership working for schools and parents wishing to achieve educational excellence. educationfuturestrust.org
2010: Hastings Chinese Association started
To keep and expand Chinese culture and traditions, to mingle into the British culture and local society. Run workshops and activities such as Tai Chi. Has held Chinese New Year celebrations since 2011. hastingsvoluntaryaction.org.uk
2009: Hastings Online Times launched
An independent magazine for news, views and features about Hastings and St Leonards and includes probably the most comprehensive events guide in town. Run by volunteers. www.hastingsonlinetimes.co.uk
1995: Hastings Borough Bonfire Society revitalised
Volunteers who work throughout the year to raise the money needed to organise the annual October Hastings Bonfire spectacular on the beach. www.hbbs.info
1994: Hastings and Rother Citizens Advice formed
Independent charity offering residents information and advice on pressing issues they face. Later re-named Citizens Advice 1066. citizensadvice1066.co.uk